So, here is the next round of ideas from this morning: The Wayfinders that Aqua makes in "Birth by Sleep"
I plan on refining the design a bit more, to make the parts around the holes a bit pointier, but otherwise, I think they're pretty good. I would cut these out of fluorescent acrylic, which is friggin' amazing looking, and would glow under a black light (and just be really awesome to look at otherwise!) Plus, they would be transparent, making for a good stained-glass effect or suncatcher :3 I'm still not sure what the gray would be out of, however. The idea of mirror, while cool, seems to be way too over the top for it to work, so I'm thinking I would just spray white acrylic (or clear) with silver and leave it at that... what do you think?

On another cosplay related note (this time personal) I have begun work on a Nehelenia outfit for myself, hopefully in time for NoBrandCon (which we will finally be going to again after an absence of a few years!) Expect pictures of that as it is being built! The corset is almost completed, and then onto the actual outfit :3
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