Friday, September 24

Not sewing related at all...

Sorry, guys, but I need to post this and ask if anyone out there can help me with a bit o' writing.

I'm completely stumped. I need to come up with a name of an organization, here is a rough summary of it. The world setting is fantasy, high fantasy (magic, but not like everyone shoots fireballs and can fly on carpets magic, but just kind of some people can do magic, most can't... think "Dragon Age Origins" if that helps) The organization is evil, a kind of "dark" organization, almost vampire-like. It is a series of families that kind of rule behind the scenes, Mafia-style, but I need something to collectively call them - I can't just refer to them as "Families" or something like that :\

So... anyone have any good ideas? I'm out of them...

If a naming convention helps, here are some things I have set out: my main character is named Ceinwyn (kane-win), another is Siorus (shoy-russ). Cities are things like Et Sharov and An Kimor... so I'm completely all over the board!

Edit: Thank you so much for the help via Twitter, and to my husband, too! We took some of the ideas and went around a corner with them, and the organization now has a name :3 "Abadon" is what we decided on!

Thank you!! <3

Sunday, September 19

Is it really the middle of September already?!

Long time, no see?

I've been horrible about keeping up with my emails, but on top of that, I got hit with the worst cold/flu/cold (yep, it when through those phases so far... I hope the second cold is the end of it!) that I've had in ages - and one that everyone here in Wisconsin seems to have. Not cool.

But, I've been busy none the less. GeekKon was awesome this year, I loved the hotel (even if the Internet situation sucked) and loved the layout of the vendor/AA room, the hotel itself, the video game room --- it was all just awesome! I cannot wait to be back next year!

So, leading up to GeekKon, I was making more and more Steampunk jewelry to sell, and the few things that didn't sell at the convention are now up on my Etsy shop, if anyone is interested (with more to come, too!)

Other than that, I've been busy remodeling the other half of my sewing room. See, a few years ago we redid half of the basement to become my workspace, to be more light and bright and easier to work in. Well, in a matter of a few years, I've outgrown the space (so much so that I'm still looking for a retail location, but that's becoming a little more difficult as it's getting harder to get loans now...) and it was becoming horribly cramped.

What we did, then, is my mother graciously re-arranged her half of the basement, to give me another chunk of it for my cutting table and more fabric storage. She's moved around her work benches (she does a huge amount of home remodeling and building big things, so she has space for all of that in the basement and a good chunk of the garage, too~) to give me more room to work in.

Now, we finished building more cabinetry (thank goodness for Target and their cube storage thingers - they're life savers, because I could actually put them together with only minor injuries!) and have to start unpacking bins and bins of fabric and reorganizing it, but I have a lot more room!

The down side? Until everything is all done, I'm even more tight on space than I was before. Hoping to get it all finished soon, though! I'll post pictures instead of just rambling at you all shortly - I don't know if I have any "before" pictures that do it justice, but I'll see ;P

So, the point of this ramble? Not much, actually. Just that I have been busy, sick and now, busy and sick.

Oh, and I've found I really enjoy writing, when I have a good spot of inspiration. Go figure - the one art I thought I'd never be able to do, and I find myself enjoying it. I'm kind of afraid of what could be next - maybe Sam acting???!!! At this rate, it just might happen... :O

Friday, September 10

Days of Sewing

I just thought I'd post a little random tangent for the heck of it.

Ya know, I really do love sewing. So much so, that it's actually a surprise how much I like it when I haven't done it for a long time.

I am currently battling my way through a stack of Kimona Wraps - some on order, some just because I have the fabric. I have ten of them sitting almost-completed in a heap, and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to actually get to make something like this, how lucky I am that I get to do this, even if I can barely pay my bills.

Because, I truly believe that if you're not happy with what you're doing, it's not worth you doing.

So, today, I am happy. And that is all :3