Monday, June 14

A busy day in the shop

Well, technically my basement is a shop. Sweat shop. Costume shop. Whatev's ;P

It was a long one, but a great one, too. You ever just get on one of those rolls where you just get things done a lot faster (and easier) than you anticipated? That's how today was.

Three Kimona Wraps done from scratch (okay, two and two-thirds, because I need to find teal thread to finish off the other one), two Steampunk Utility Skirts nearing completion (they were cut, but after today, they're together, with a waistband put on and hem pressed up waiting on my digging out the blind hem to put it in) and a whole lot of cleaning done, too.

It has been a good day. I'll have pictures of the kimona up here shortly, too, just because that's what I like this blog for :D

Edit: 06/15/2010
There, see? I pooped out of energy last night and didn't get the images linked up here, but I am this morning - forgive my tiredness, please!

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