Tuesday, June 29

Discovery World in Milwaukee

Those of you from the are may know about Discovery World, but for those outside of Southeastern Wisconsin, Discovery World is a wonderful organization that teaches about science, technology, history and innovation through hands on learning.

They are really an amazing organization, and their new building right on Milwaukee's lakefront is really fantastic not just to see, but to visit (so if you're in the area and want some fun, head down there, it's fantastic, fun, and not just for kids, that's for sure!)

Anywho, my husband works in their education department over the summers, working with their summer camps. These are week-long programs that kids 7-14 can take focused around a topic. He's taught ones ranging from marine biology to toy factory and everything in between.

This year, I'm helping out. We're teaching a week-long camp next week on fashion and entrepreneurship! It's for older kids, around 12-14, and they're going to learn to sew (by hand), design, sketch, and market their products!

I'm not afraid to admit that I am scared out of my mind. I'm not a good teacher, although I like sharing what I know. Luckily, it's not just going to be me, but my husband is going to be doing the "hard" work, I just get to show them how to sew.

This week, though, we have a lot of preparation to get through. A lot of fabric needs to be cut up into manageable hunks, paired up, and instructions written. I'm so freaking out, but really excited.

We're hoping to make a bag the first day, a skirt the second, and work on modifying t-shirts into a garment or two the next few days, and on Friday, we're hoping to take great fashion photos of the stuff they've made. Also, each student will be asked to donate one of their projects to sell in the Discovery World store, and the proceeds going to benefit their charity to bring under-privileged kids to Discovery World to take classes, to support the community and personal growth.

So, busy, busy, busy!

I just thought I would post and say that if you, or a random family member, are interested in fun things to do over the summer, check out Discovery World, and possibly consider enrolling in my class? I think we have 14 already, and only room for 20, but you never know - it may be more fun than you expect!

And, when I disappear from the Internet that week, you all know why, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that sounds like a lot of fun (and scary at the same time), and what a cool idea! We don't have anything like that around here, but if I ever make it to your neck of the woods, it definitely sounds like something I'd go check out!

Good luck with the class!! **hugs**