Tuesday, August 17

The Protoss Project

So, we are (very quietly, at the moment) releasing a bit of information about our newest project, something that is going to take a very long time to complete, and pull from things that we've never done before (mascot land, woodworking, welding, vacuum forming, electronics, and a lot more!) to try to create one friggin' amazing costume:

Zeratul, from Blizzard's Starcraft II

Yep. We're a little crazy.  You can follow all of our progress over at "The Protoss Project" blog, as we update - it's in the roughs right now, but we'll start seriously making it look pretty as soon as we have a bit of time for that!

Until then, please wish us luck!

Edit: I forgot to mention, I truly blame Lita of Divinity Photography for even getting me to think of creating this outfit... or even thinking of Starcraft costumes to begin with ;P


Jen said...

Wow, holy crap!

I give you guys major kudos and I cannot wait to see the finished product!

I totally claim a photo session when its done too.

Wow......I totally geeked all over myself...

Jenn said...

OMG...ambitious! But I'm sure it'll be fantastic when done! Good luck!!! <3