Monday, April 12

New Personal Costume

So, I have not made a piece of cosplay for myself in quite some time - I actually think that the last one I have done was our xxxHolic outfits from a few years ago.

I have a hard time finding outfits I'm comfortable with making for myself, because, for as popular and acceptable as cosplay has become as a whole, a lot of the people who do it are getting more and more narrow-minded. It is not uncommon to see someone (such as myself) ripped apart for not being a traditional size for cosplay (such as between a US 2 and 8, which seems to be the acceptable sizes for the most part). I can brush a lot of that off, but I definitely can admit that it has affected my personal choices in cosplaying, and even choosing to do it any more feels like sticking my neck out.

But, I think a project like this is just what I need. I think I'm going to do something relatively easy, and see how I like it again. So, I have decided on doing this Yuuko outfit for the heck of it.

It should take little time to do, and most of the outfit can be done from scraps of velvet, leather, and silks I have floating around already, so it should be a minimal investment. In fact, I'm thinking that I can salvage my existing Yuuko wig and restyle it!

Of course, I have no idea what I'd do for Chris, but we'll get to that when we get to it - he may just have to be Watanuki again. Or, maybe this'll springboard me into making him a Clow outfit like I have wanted to for years, you never know!

So, we shall see what becomes of this project (after getting a few commissions that are on a rush done, of course~)


Jen said...

I totally think you should do it!

I thought you did an absolutely amazing job on your Yuuko from a while back. It was gorgeous!

And I know what you mean about "acceptable sizes" for cosplay. It's a subject I can rant on for hours. I've definitely found that smaller cons allow me to enjoy wear my costume more than larger ones.

I think this will be gorgeous and I can't wait to see it! :D

Sam // Taeliac said...


We can rant together *highfive* Or, perhaps, some time, a panel is in order... hrm... *ideas*

Smaller conventions definitely seem to be more open than larger one's - I was recently told by one of the judges from [insert larger convention name here, so as not to ruffle any feathers] a few years ago (the one's that did the on stage judging) that I didn't win anything because of my size. Nice. :\

Ah well, it'll be fun, and I think that's all that matters :D


Jen said...

*highfives* I think a panel would be a great idea :D

That's terrible that the judge said that. What a d-bag. People like that make me so mad!

And I agree - as long as you're having fun and you enjoy it, nothing else matters :)
